Family meal

I remember a one family meal when in my house, my sister organized a big dinner, all of the family was there because was vacation time and my family is not big. And each family had to bring food, my grandmother brought russian salad, my ungle prepared the meat, his wife brought fresh salad, my brother made the accompaniment (rice) and my with my sisters make cookies, my cousins prepared the drinks whith their families.  And and just like that it was a cooking contest.

There were many options and variety, so we decided to evaluate by family...i remember that i ate meat whit russian salad (it´s so rich that you can´t leave without trying it), i drank something similar to a mojito (so good), the only thing i didn´t like was the meat (it had a lot of salt).

And so each one of us tried the variety, and at the end of the aftermoon we voted. And of course it turn out that everyone loves my granmohter´s russian salad (fot those who don´t know them, they are cooked potatoes mixed carrots, mayonaise and fresh coriander, very well seasoned).

And she was the undisputed winner¡ 

I remember that day with special affection, because it is rare that the family is together. 


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